Valleymount GAA Children’s Officer Details: Aislinn Nugent 0874115566
The Gaelic Athletic Association is committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for all young people who wish to participate in our Gaelic Games and activities. We will take all practicable steps to protect them from discernible forms of abuse – from harm, discrimination or degrading treatment and shall respect their rights, wishes and feelings.
Code of Behaviour
The Code of Behaviour (Underage) complements the Irish Sports Council (ISC) Code of Ethics and Our Games – Our Code, the joint Code of Best Practice in Youth Sport and addresses the appropriate levels of behaviour, practice and conduct required from our young players, officials, coaches, trainers, mentors, supporters, parents/guardians and clubs.
Download the sixth edition of the GAA Code of Behaviour, Underage at the link below. The GAA Code of Best Practice and a guide on how to deal with alleged breaches of the code of best practice are also available at the below link.